About me
- Name: TAKAHASHI Shuuji
- Live in: Matsudo, Chiba, Japan 🇯🇵
- Working at: Navagis, Inc.
- Having a degree of: Master of Engineering in Computer Science from University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, Computer Science department
- Graduated from: System Software Team at High-Performance Computing System (HPCS) lab. at University of Tsukuba on March 2021
- Bluesky:
- Mastodon:
- LinkedIn: shuuji3 - My resume of the education & job history.
- Email: - Since Gmailβ (2006-10-27 22:16).
- GitHub: shuuji3 - All public code and projects.
- Stack Overflow: shuuji3 - Some resume and developer history.
- StackShare: shuuji3 - My developer stack.
- Weblog: - Weblog about software engineering.
- Keybase: shuuji3 - Proof of my accounts.
- ResearchGate: TAKAHASHI Shuuji - Fruits of my research in the HPCS Lab., University of Tsukuba.
- Speaker Deck: shuuji3 - Presentation Slides.
- OpenPGP Key: 8291 C416 B80C 0D07 B3EC 35B3 F15C 8876 3212 9F5E - find at
Translation Project
I've dedicated the translation of technical documents and articles to improve my English skill as well as to share the latest knowledge to Japanese engineers.
- Vite documentation - Helping translate Vite docs into Japanese (we keep them up to date, usually within a day to a week as of 2024)
- Kubernetes documentation - Many Japanese translation in sig-docs-ja and website improvements in sig-docs.
- Google's Engineering Practices documentation - Documentation of Google's great engineering practices.
- Let's Encrypt - Website and documentations.
- Transifex - Most dedicated is Django documentation
- Crowdin
- MDN web docs
- Wikipedia - Articles in
- and more...
Continuous Donations
I'm supporting the activities of the following organizations and individuals via my donations:
NPR / National Public Radio
Free Software Foundation / GNU
Python Software Foundation
- Creative Commons
- Wikimedia Foundation / Wikipedia
- Internet Archive
- Electronic Frontier Foundation / EFF
- 🌈 Unicode Consortium / Adopt-a-Character (one time donation)

GitHub Grass
Generated by 2016rshah/githubchart-api